Residential and Commercial Air Conditioning Service in Phoenix


Your air conditioning unit is the most expensive appliance in your home. It also costs more to operate than any other appliance in your home. Therefore, maintaining it and keeping it operating at peak efficiency will not only save you money in the long run on utility bills, but it will also create the opportunity for 911  Heating, Cooling & Plumbing to find problems early.

air conditioner service

Keeping your family or business comfortable by maximizing your air conditioner's longevity and performance and minimizing repair and operational costs is our business. 



How often should you have your air conditioner serviced?

You should have your air conditioner serviced once or twice every year. The first of these should be in the Spring before the heavy summer season. The second, if needed, should be before the monsoon season. 

How much does it cost to have your air conditioner serviced?

The cost to have your air conditioner serviced is less than you'd think. Call us today for a free estimate.

How long does it take to have your air conditioner serviced?

Generally speaking, it takes one to two hours to service an air conditioner. Every situation is different.