Home Maintenance 101: It's Time for a Spring AC Tune-Up
When spring arrives, householders should consider air conditioning maintenance. A proper tune-up will keep the unit running smoothly throughout the summer. It also avoids delays when the demand for AC technician services naturally increases.
Here are some reasons to schedule an annual tune-up for the air conditioning system.
Restore proper functionality
The winter season puts a lot of stress on the AC unit. Snow, rain, and other elements can damage the appliance, preventing it from functioning correctly. Therefore, it's ideal to check the condition of the AC unit before the summer.
Increase longevity
AC units clock an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years. However, this appliance can last up to 20 years with regular maintenance, providing better value for money.
Less maintenance
An annual inspection of the air conditioning unit can help identify issues that could cause costly repairs. These issues usually appear during the summer when the system is used more frequently. Unfortunately, this is also when the home can least afford to go without a cooling system. Springtime maintenance will help detect any problems before they become an inconvenience.
Warranty protection
An annual inspection of the air conditioning unit can help identify issues that could cause costly repairs.
Many manufacturers recommend that a qualified technician regularly maintains their units. A spring AC tune-up can prevent voiding the warranty, saving homeowners from forking out money for costly repairs and breakdowns.
Increased comfort
AC maintenance is vital for keeping the system running at its peak performance. It helps maintain the air quality and evenly distributes cool air throughout the home. A properly maintained unit ensures optimal comfort levels in the house.
Energy efficiency
A regularly serviced AC unit can help lower the monthly energy bills. A system that runs efficiently will require less power to operate.
What does a tune-up involve?
A thorough air conditioning inspection ensures that the cooling system is checked for any faults that may prevent it from running efficiently. It involves the following tests to increase the longevity of the appliance:
Lubrication of moving parts
Fastening electrical components
Inspecting ductwork for leaks
Testing the air conditioning cycle to ensure correct functionality
Measuring the level of coolant in the appliance
Inspecting and cleaning the coils that may have accumulated dirt and grime
Examination of terminals and wires for corrosion
Ensuring optimal cooling by measuring airflow
Flushing of the condensation drain to prevent clogs
It's time for that spring tune-up!
Contacting an experienced technician to tune up the AC unit is of paramount importance. A good HVAC contractor will have the necessary resources and experience to provide the best service possible. They will also ensure that their technicians are trained to keep up with the latest technology, ensuring that the AC unit doesn't get damaged during maintenance.
Maintain a pleasant work and home environment with new AC installation, AC replacement, AC repair and maintenance, and AC tune-up services from 911 Heating, Cooling & Plumbing. Call today at 602-795-2900 for a free quote.