How to Prevent Plumbing Emergencies at Home

The quickest way to prevent significant water damage from a major leak is by stopping the water flow at its origin.

Plumbing emergencies are inconvenient, stressful, and can be expensive to resolve. Whether

it's a clogged drain, a leaking pipe, or a non-functioning water heater, such problems often occur when least expected. But with a bit of vigilance and regular maintenance, a homeowner can prevent most plumbing emergencies. Here are some practical tips to help avoid potential disasters.

Regularly Maintain Pipes and Drains

Ensuring pipes and drains are regularly cleaned and maintained is vital to longevity. Do not allow solid waste to wash down drains, install strainers in sinks to catch hair and other debris, and clean drains regularly using vinegar and baking soda as a natural and effective cleaning solution. Regular maintenance will keep drains clear and prevent any unexpected clogs or backups.

Monitor Water Pressure

High water pressure might seem desirable, but it can put additional strain on pipes and lead to leaks or breaks over time. It's a good idea to regularly check a home's water pressure using a pressure gauge and take steps to reduce it if it is consistently over 60 psi.

Inspect the Water Heater Regularly

A failing water heater can lead to critical problems, like severe water damage and flooding. Regularly check for signs of leaks, rust, or other damage. Also, flush the water heater once a year to clear out sediment build-up, which can reduce its efficiency and lifespan.

Know Where the Main Water Shut-off Valve Is

Stopping the water flow at its source is the fastest way to prevent water damage in a significant leak. Ensure that everyone in the house knows where the main shut-off valve is located and how to operate it. This can save valuable time during a plumbing emergency and may prevent substantial water damage.

Insulate  Pipes in Winter

During winters, uninsulated pipes in unheated areas are at risk of freezing, which can cause them to burst, causing water damage and expensive repairs. By insulating pipes, you can keep them from freezing, thus avoiding such emergencies.

Get Regular Plumbing Inspections

Regular professional inspections are the most effective ways to prevent plumbing emergencies. Plumbers can identify and fix minor issues before they become significant problems. They can provide expert tips and recommendations for maintaining a home's plumbing system, further preventing potential emergencies.


Being proactive about maintenance and carrying out regular plumbing checks can save you from many potential emergencies. After all, preventing an issue is always easier than fixing one. So, pay attention to a home's plumbing system, know when to call in professionals, and rest easy knowing you've taken steps to ensure the health of a home's pipes and drains.

911 Heating, Cooling and Plumbing can service all commercial and residential HVAC and plumbing needs. Call 602-795-2900 today


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