Top Reasons Why Your AC is Making Knocking Sound


Air conditioners are essential to the modern lifestyle. They keep indoors cold and comfortable throughout the warm weather.  Due to technological developments, present-day air conditioners generate little or no noise. 

Therefore, when homeowners notice loud and disruptive noises emanating from their system, it signals that all is not well with the unit. Turn off the system and call a licensed HVAC professional to diagnose and fix the AC's issue so it will perform efficiently and optimally. Ignoring the knocking sounds coming from the can worsen the system's condition and damage it further, leading to pricey repairs. 

A few possible reasons could cause the equipment to make unusual noises, and not all of them warrant professional assistance. Let's look into some of the common causes of the sounds emanating from the AC and what homeowners can do to fix it instead of ignoring it:

Loose or broken compressor parts

Knocking sounds usually come from the condenser unit positioned outdoors and indicate that its crankshaft, piston pin, or one or more of its support springs or screws are unfastened or broken. Wear and tear can cause some parts to come loose and create a banging or rattling sound. Some situations may demand a compressor replacement, while other times, a professional can fasten or replace the loose parts.

Dirty filter

Another ailment that can make the system produce a knocking sound is a clogged filter. Homeowners who don't replace or clean their filters expose them to blockage due to dirt and debris. It strains the blower motor, leading to knocking sounds. It is essential to clean or replace the filters to ensure optimal system performance.

Trapped debris in the outdoor unit

The outdoor AC unit remains susceptible to debris like dried leaves, twigs, dust, and dirt. Any of these external objects landing inside the unit cause rattling or knocking sounds. They can also cause severe damage to the system if not removed. Call a professional to clean the unit meticulously from the inside and examine it for any possible damage.

Fan issues

When thin metal blades of the fan get bent, broken, or damaged due to age, debris, poor installation, or misalignment, they hit the unit's frame and cause loud sounds. 

Unbalanced blower motor

An imbalanced or failing indoor blower motor or outdoor fan motor, or worn-out bearings also cause a loud banging or knocking sound. 

Improper installation, undersized ductwork, and failing compressor may also produce unusual system sounds. 

Any loud or weird knocking sound from the AC is a cause of concern for the homeowner. Contact a licensed HVAC professional and get the system diagnosed by a trained technician to prevent minor issues from turning into major emergency problems. Consider replacing the unit if it is old and nearing its lifespan. Newer AC's are both quiet and much more efficient. Homeowners should invest in regular air conditioner maintenance to catch issues early on, lower energy bills, and ensure optimum system performance. 

911 Heating, Cooling and Plumbing can service all commercial and residential HVAC and plumbing needs. Call 602-795-2900 today!



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